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April 27, 2006



I never quite understood the advantage to google doing that, I understand a little better, thanks

Frugal for Life

Jane Dough

Since all of the media attention is only fueling book sales what incentive do publishing houses have to stop this?

It is sad to say that at the end of the day all involved will just end up getting richer off this whole scandal.

Alison Rose

Funny, when my mom, a community college English teacher for 35 years, had to flunk a student for copying, word for word, the uncredited work of another author, no one got a book deal out of it. Somehow, everyone failed to cash in...


Is it the fact that she took some passages and changed them a little, took the ideas and used them, or apparently infringed on copyrighted material. "West Side Story" won some awards ... totally copied from someone else!

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