President Bush's weekly radio address fell on the day before fourth anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, and the following is a transcript of his remarks.
"September the 11th... terrorists... Saddam Hussein... weapons of mass de-struction. Iraq. Smoke 'em out. 9/11. 9/11. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Biological Weapons. Saddam...brutal dictator. Bring 'em on. Terrorists... death and destruction. Iraq. Evildoers. September the 11th. Towers on fire. Pentagon. Flight 93. Let's roll. I can hear you; the whole nation hears you! Terror. Terror cells. Terrorism. Noble Cause. The cause of liberty. Our shores. Liberty. Freedom. Freedom freedom freedom freedom. Tax relief, clear skies and freedom fries. Thank you for listening."
When asked to comment on the President's radio address during Meet the Press, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) said, "Hurricane Katrina, FEMA, Chertoff, Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job. Valerie Plame. CIA Undercover. The Downing Street Memo. Hurricane Katrina-Crawford, Texas. Vacation, vacation, vacation. Ferragamo shoes and Spamalot. Fly-fishing in Wyoming. The army you have, not the army you wish to have. Katrina. New Orleans. Rotting Corpses. Superdome. Trent Lott's porch and My Pet Goat. Convention Center. No Weapons of Mass Destruction Found. National Guard AWOL. DUI. Cocaine and community service. Casey Sheehan, Cindy Sheehan. Jeff Gannon, White House Hooker. Terrorism, bagism, shagism, thisism, thatism, ism, ism, ism. Security Risk. Karl Rove, CIA leaker. Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US. 2,000 servicemen and women killed in action."
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