A true story, courtesy of the Associated Press:
"Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson warned residents
of a rural Pennsylvania town Thursday that disaster may strike there because
they 'voted God out of your city' by ousting school board members who
favored teaching intelligent design."
I wasn't aware that God was running for office, or had a presence in any one city vs. another. I also wasn't aware that Pat Robertson was in the business of predicting natural disasters. Did he predict the Tsunami of last year? Hurricane Katrina? Rita? What is his hit rate for disaster prediction? Can we use him as some sort of machine, to warn us when Hurricanes and other disasters are coming? Can we tie him to the front of a ship or the top of a tall building, so he can keep an eye on these things for us?
".... I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover:
If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God. You just rejected him
from your city," Robertson said on the Christian Broadcasting Network's '700 Club.'"
It's nice to know that Pat believes in a loving, kind God. He must be a constant state of terror, peeing the bed every night.
...."God is tolerant and loving, but we can't keep sticking our finger in
his eye forever," Robertson said. "If they have future problems in Dover,
I recommend they call on Charles Darwin. Maybe he can help them."
Does God have an eye? Or any facial features? And who said god was a "he?" I can't even comment on the Charles Darwin reference. That's just laughable.
"Robertson made headlines this summer when he called on his daily show for
the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
"In October 2003, he suggested that the State Department be blown up with a
nuclear device. He has also said that feminism encourages women to 'kill
their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.'"
Does this man claim to represent Christian values? Are there people in his audience shouting "Yes! Testify!" while getting out their checkbooks, as he advocates killing world leaders, suggests terrorist acts against our government and links proponents of equal rights with child killers!? I know every time I get angry about earning 70 cents for every dollar earned by a man in a comparable position, I'm on a slippery slope towards sacrificing a goat, followed by the killing of the children. I've already got the lesbian thing covered, and don't think I'd make much headway in destroying capitalism, however.
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